I bought the bakery! I did I did I did! Have I mentioned that I am totally in love with a 60-year old? Hobart that is - it's the 80-quart mixer and boy is he ever a doll! Ancient, bolted to the floor, banged up, three speeds, with a clutch. Two bowls, two paddles, and a whisk. Sounds kinda kinky I know! But it makes me happy every time I walk past! And the 20-quart is no slouch either! OK - you can't see them in this picture. But in the far back right are the old Rainier ovens - beauties as well!!
So far I've been in it 11 days - have only dropped one cake and burned myself 5 times - I'm considering this to be nothing short of a total success, considering my usual performance in the kitchen and the fact that I have baked over 200 pounds of cake during that time, and made nearly and equal weight of frosting!!
Delievered 4 wedding cakes by myself, with 4 more to come tomorrow. I am having the time of my life!!!